Ready...Fire…Aim    -     It's Quick, but never works

Problem:  Many companies rush to market without any strategic direction or blueprint.  They blast emails, buy advertising, engage outside sales, build a website, etc., with little sense of their competitive positioning, internal strengths/capabilities, differentiated offerings, brand promise or the needs of their target customers.

Result: They often miss the mark, fail to achieve their goals and waste money in the process.

customized, Strategic and Actionable

The NovuScore Way

Customized - One Size does Not fit all - We tailor our approach to meet your challenges, big or small – NovuScore will craft a customized project plan.  We work seamlessly with your team to scope the project, clearly defining the objectives, methodology and deliverables to ensure that we address your needs.  And, we are flexible - engage us on a project basis, as an extension of your staff or as an advisory board member. 

Strategic - To craft a strategic plan we begin with a review of the Company’s business product/service offerings, customers’ wants/needs, core competences/processes, alliances and channel touch points and corporate/marketing metrics for success. Next, we review current business processes related to sales, marketing and business development. Then, we analyze the Company in the context of the competitive landscape.

Actionable - Deliverables are quick hitting and actionable – not just a pretty PowerPoint presentation to sit on your shelf.  We start with a vision and strategic blueprint to provide direction to senior management and follow with a quick hitting tactical action plan and marketing programs that will drive incremental revenues.


An Agile Marketing and Business Development Consultancy